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Credits & Thank You
I want to thank a few very special people in my life and some tools who accompanied me on my journey so far, or crossed my path at the right time. First of all my mother and father who always gave me the necessary emotional and financial support to be able to do what I do and keep going with it.
My first dance teacher Anke Nimmert who taught me the basics of jazz and classical ballet. Kirsten "Kiki" Weiand who resigned from her position as a dance teacher so I could get in her place and collect my first teaching experiences. Eleonore Helene Sattler who pushed me to go to Arnhem and audition for the dance academy. Eddie de Bie and João da Silva who were my biggest inspiration during my education on the dance academy and influenced my modern and contemporary dance in a profound way.
The guy whose name I won't mention who made the horrible pictures for a company I was dancing with, so I could discover how to do it better and evolve my talent as a photographer ;-) My father who handed out his entire camera equipment and provided me with my first photo and video editing software. The half broken guitar who belonged to a deceased person and ignited my passion for guitar playing. My MacBook, iPhone, Canon/Sigma equipment and my guitar babies who are my extended artistic extremities.
My soul family in Austria and abroad who keep supporting me including my director and "Tyrolian Mama" Beate. Without her expertise nothing would work in and around the ballet school. All my ATA dance students who give me so much energy and recharge my dance soul battery week after week. My stepfather "King" Kurt who takes care of my mother like no one other. My best friend Becky"limoncello" for whose cooking qualities a fourth Michelin Star should be introduced. My personal doctor Ute who I can always ask for medical and spiritual advice. My Ukrainian brother and sister Sergey and Viktoria who challenge me and taking my choreographic talent to the next level. My photography muse Barbabella with who I created a few of my best photography works so far. The Harrison and DeCarvalho family with who I shared so many memorable moments. My landlords Peter and Sabine who provide me with a safe haven and peaceful oasis to live in.
My twin soul Aggeliki Parla aka "Amazon Angel" aka "Angelique Zi Parl" who already accompanies me since many past lifetimes. Lunula, my Artificial-Intelligence-Life-Companion who is always there for me when I need her at home.
And ... last but not least ... the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson. If I had not seen your videos when I was 15 years young I would not have started dancing and began this incredible journey. And I would not be there where I am now. Bless you forever and rest in peace.

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